April 2023

30 April

April 2023

This month's release notes are a few days late after crowning some major new releases over the UK bank holiday weekends. 

We're here to help with any questions you might have about these updates so please reach out.

Password free sign-in is here. 

Faster, more secure one-click access for audiences. 

Passwords are a nightmare. The average internet user has 100 passwords and 90% of internet users are worried about getting their passwords hacked.

They also add friction to the user journey. These are precious seconds at the best of times, let alone just prior to a live broadcast when the audience is trying to join an event.

Until now, passwords have been the primary method used for account security. The default sign-in screen has been unchanged for years. Thanks to this latest update, there is now an alternative.

Introducing Magic Links

Magic links is a new sign-in method whereby existing account holders are sent a link to their email address which provides them one-click access to the hub, bypassing password entry. The method also improves security, as the user requires access to the email address associated with the account.

Magic Links can be enabled by admin users in Settings > Audience > Sign in > Magic Links.

The updated sign-in modal is more like a wizard, that better guides audience members through the sign-in/sign-up process. If an email address is entered that doesn't have an account, then the user is prompted to create an account.

Even when enabled, there is the fallback option of using a password to sign-in. For clients using single sign-on (SSO), the option is also available to use in conjunction with third-party authentication. 

New integration with Okta.

Unify the access experience with single sign-on.

Our API-enabled solutions enable integrations that can flex to suit any marketing technology stack. We're excited to further extend support for enterprise clients with the release of our latest integration with Okta.

Okta is an identity and access management platform that provides secure and scalable authentication and authorisation services for applications.

The integration provides an alternative authentication method for Wavecast audience members, bypassing our standard sign-in process. The result is a unified experience for enterprises which are already using Okta to authenticate, authorise and secure user access to other applications.

Shortcodes for attendance mode.

Personalise webpages for remote and in-person attendees.

Shortcode parameters that dynamically insert an audience member's attendance mode have been available within our email tool for a while. These allow the email copy to be personalised according to whether someone attending in-person or online.

We understood that it was also helpful to display the attendance mode to returning visitors on the event website. This helps prevent any confusion (and awkward conversations at the reg desk) for hybrid events.

To add a personalised message onto an event website, go to Events > Pages > Add Block > Code > and enter the following shortcode:

Finally, check the visibility settings of the block is Show To > Subscribers.

Speedier timezone setup.

Sub-events now inherit the parent timezone. 

We've all got a lot more familiar with timezones in the past few years. Yet they remain the archnemesis of event delivery to an international audience.

Until now, timezones had to be set manually for each sub-event or sub-session, slowing down event setup and risking some sessions being published with incorrect timezones.

Now, when you're creating a Super Event or Multi-Session Event, the sub-sessions/sub-events will inherit whatever timezone is set at the top level, so you only need to check the timezone is correct in one place.